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Behind the Scenes on FELIWAY TV – A Kitty’s Point of View!

Behind the Scenes on FELIWAY TV – A Kitty’s Point of View!

Filming screen of a happy family sitting around a cat.

Ever wondered what life’s like in front of the cameras? Then allow me to introduce myself. I’m Coco, the feline superstar you may have seen gracing your screens in the recent Feliway Optimum adverts. I know, I know – try not to become too starstruck. My agent will send you a signed photo. Now, it’s time to follow in my paw prints as I whisk you away on a tail-twitching tour of what went down behind the scenes. 

Setting the Scene

It was a sunny day in Barcelona when my co-star Tiri and I strutted onto the set. I say strutted, though really, we were gently transported in by the excellent team at FELIWAY. But isn’t it only right that stars such as us should have our own personal chauffeurs? If it’s good enough for Ryan Gosling and Margot Robbie, it’s good enough for Coco.

Now, I’m quite particular about how I like my environment, but fortunately the production team had prepared the set in advance. First things first, a FELIWAY Optimum diffuser was plugged in long before we arrived. Ahh, pure bliss! This was great for ensuring the apartment we’d be filming in was suitably relaxing and that Tiri and I wouldn’t become too worked up by all the hustle and bustle. That said, all the team were very careful to ensure we were as happy as can be. Only a limited number of people were allowed around us cats at any one time!


Film screen recording a cat on a sofa with a young woman.

Nor did the preparation stop there. We had a dedicated vet on-hand throughout whose sole responsibility was to look after us felines, and one of the first things she did was to go around spraying the apartment with FELIWAY Classic Spray for that extra calming touch. The vet was also great at keeping a lookout for any signs of cat stress or anxiety symptoms in Tiri and I, but it’s a testament to how much the team cared for us because she didn’t need to step in once! 

What can I say? Coco is a professional.

Act 1, Scene 1

So, the filming. Where do I begin? Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret: Tiri and I were never actually filmed at the same time. Anywhere you see us together in the same shot, that’s actually some clever post-production trickery from the team at FELIWAY. Say what you want about humans, but they are clever.

Two cats in a modern home living room.

Not that I have any issues being around Tiri, of course! It’s just easier to concentrate on your own role when you don’t have to worry about the other cats around you. 

And as I think you’ll agree, I performed my role to purr-fection.

That part where I rub noses with Helena? It was filmed in just one shot. Though I probably owe the humans some credit there, too. Everything was set up and rehearsed using teddy bears in place of Tiri and I well before the cameras ever started rolling. And if you think I mind being replaced by a cuddly toy, think again! As long as it means I get some extra time dozing, I’m happy. Either way, this approach to rehearsals was great for us cats as we could simply saunter in, deliver our performances, then saunter away again. Let the humans deal with the rest.

Woman on a sofa with a teddy bear.

Now, the video itself. While the voiceover may mention a range of cat anxiety symptoms and signs of cat stress, the only thing I was stressing about was whether I’d be able to find any extra treats after my scenes! The part where I hide behind the house plant? Pure acting gold. And the scene where the humans and I play with that cat toy? Let’s just say it wasn’t hard for Coco to get into character for that one. 

But honestly, with both FELIWAY Classic and FELIWAY Optimum at work, Tiri and I were more relaxed than cats lazing in the sun. Filming the FELIWAY advert was a delightful experience and every detail was planned out to ensure that Tiri and I were comfortable. So, the next time you’re concerned your cat is showing anxiety symptoms, remember our TV adventure and consider FELIWAY. It worked wonders for us, and it might just be the solution for your feline too!

Until next time, keep those tails high!


P.S. You haven’t seen the new ad yet? Well there’s no use in waiting! Watch it now and tell me your thoughts. I’m sure you’ll love it!

P.P.S. When do we hear back about our Oscar nominations?

Would you like to learn more about recognizing the signs of stress in cats or how our FELIWAY products work? Browse through our blogs for a range of fascinating info, plus find plenty more articles told from a kitty’s point of view! You can also stay informed with all our latest tips and FELIWAY product advice by signing up to our newsletter.

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