Why Do Cats Pee on Things?


October 21, 2022

Why Do Cats Pee on Things?
Cats are renowned for their cleanliness. It’s thought that they spend at least five hours a day grooming and cleaning their fur! But no matter how clean and tidy our kitties are,...

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cat spraying

Why Is My Cat Peeing On The Carpet?


October 21, 2022

Why Is My Cat Peeing On The Carpet?
Instinctively, cats are clean creatures; you will find they spend up to 50% of their time grooming to make sure their coat is in tip-top condition! They are also very particular about their...

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cat spraying

How to Litter Train a Kitten - 8 Tips


October 21, 2022

How to Litter Train a Kitten - 8 Tips
Excitement, chaos and delight will reign when you bring your new kitten home for the first time! But while bringing a new kitten home is very exciting, there are lots of practical,...

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cat spraying

5 Reasons Why Your Cat Might Be Urinating in the House

by: karim koaik

October 21, 2022

5 Reasons Why Your Cat Might Be Urinating in the House
Has your cat suddenly started to do their business in an unexpected place? Accidents can happen to even the most controlled kitty! But, if your pet’s bathroom behavior has changed noticeably, it’s...

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cat spraying

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