How FELIWAY stopped Simon Peeing on furniture
My name is Courtney, I'm 26 and I have a clan of animals. Simon is a 4 year old orange tabby. For some reason, I had this pull towards him. I just had this connection with him. Super cuddly, slept on my shoulder every night. It's almost like we chose each other!
Simon started spraying at 2 years old. He urinates mainly on my bed, sometimes I think maybe the litter box not being clean enough for him, strange new people coming into the home, too many people in the house.
When I first started using a FELIWAY Diffuser, I noticed Simon and the other two cats, they were all downstairs, rolling around on the carpet, playing with toys. Simon was very cuddly and loving. He just seemed comfortable. My relationship with him was salvaged because I got to enjoy him again, the cuddly cat that he is. I feel like I don't have to be nervous when Simon jumps on the bed anymore, that he's got to have one of his incidents.